WGA Member Profile and Publications
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John Francois has written seven historical novels: "The March," "Cajun Fire," "Cajun Knights," "Carrier-of-Bones," "Pontiac," "Revolutions," and "To the Yellowstone Country." See all his work at www.johnfrancois.com
Joyce Richards Case is the author of four Historical/Christian novels. Paper Dreams, Pressing on with Hope, Passages Between the Columns, and Proof Positive chronicles the historical period of 1928 to 1946, as seen through the eyes of a small town newspaper family. Her books are available on Amazon. joycecase30@yahoo.com
Carrie Simon has published three novels -- "Save Them All," "Just Find Me," and "Maker of Difference." The books are available in bookstores everywhere. Carriesimonauthor.com
Ellen Threatts writes about community, healing, loss, and loving those around us. Her book is "Four Seasons of Love and Grief," published by https://www.christianfaithpublishing.com. Contact her at facebook.com/E.C.Threatts
Beth Davis, under the name Julia E. Davis, has published "Love Storm," a romance novel set in New Orleans. In her second novel, "Small Town Love - Emily," the title character returns to her hometown but finds it difficult to stay as the lumber mill may close. Available from national booksellers everywhere, including Amazon.com, published by Page Publishing.
Dr. Christopher J. Fontenot has been busy. He wrote his first story at the age of 12. After retiring from teaching, he published his first historical fiction novel, The Acadian Prairie – Theodule, in 2018. He has completed a series of five novels with the publication of TAP-Maius, TAP-Amelie, TAP-Octave, and TAP-Joel. The series follows the same families in the Chataignier area through four generations from 1835 to 1960. Although it is listed as a series, each volume can be read as a stand-alone novel.
In addition, Dr. Fontenot has been working on a dystopian science fiction series that he has termed his Haven series. Currently published titles include Haven - The Purpose, Planning Heaven, Building Heaven, Heaven’s Children, and Paradise Saved. At least ten more stories in this series exist in rough draft form, including the story cycle's stirring conclusion (in two volumes) and many stand-alone stories exploring various aspects of the Haven universe.
A new historical fiction series termed The Pointe aux Pain series opens with his hardcover edition of The Class of ’69. It follows the children of the Prairie as they attend high school in the tumultuous ’60s, go to college, and eventually marry. All of his novels are available on Amazon in paperback and eBook format. Follow him on Amazon.com author page: Christopher J Fontenot, or christopher.jfontenot@gmail.com
John Comeaux and his wife Phyllis, as a writing team under the pen name JP Coman, have published his novel for children, "Winnie and the Mystery of the Missing Moonstones." Appropriate for all ages eight and above, available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com. It is the first in the Troll Series. Volume 2, "Winnie and the Trouble with Trolls," is now available. John has also published his new book, "Fun Songs and Poems," a collection spanning 50 years. Contact: jpcoman.author@gmail.com
Louis Broussard has published his book of Poetry, “Thoughtful Places”. Twenty-two years in the making, this represents his views and observations of people and nature. His website is ThoughtfulPlacesBook.com, with more information on the book.
Edward Gauthier has released "Invasion of the Dream Wheel," an adult science fiction novel. The story takes place in the future and involves time travel and murderous intrigue. Look for Invasion of the Dream Wheel on Amazon.com. Or check out https://www.edwardgauthier.com/ for more on this writer.
Rhonda B. LeJeune has self-published two children's books, "The Lovable, Huggable Dog" and "The Crazy Cat from Ville Platte". Both books are available on Amazon. You can follow her on Facebook @ authorrhondalejeune.
​Vana J. Plaisance explores the emotional landscape of her childhood and adolescence in the memoir Recalling My Beginnings: The Kentucky Years (Xulon Press 2014). Available with xulonpress.com, amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, walmart.com, and other outlets.
C. P. Landry, author of The Cajun Kids Adventures series, has published four volumes with Excaliber Publishing Services: Mystery at Indian Point, 2022; Adventure in the Wild, 2022; The Cup, the Cap, and the Ring-Tailed Monkey, 2023; and Storm Clouds, 2023.
To order books and for more information, please visit their website at cajunkids.com and facebook.com/cajunkidsadventures. Books are also available to order with amazon.com.
Linda Meaux: In 2016, pictorial history Images of America Broussard Louisiana in February will have another history book, Past & Present, coming out, 3 Christian Fiction novels, Willow Caine, Treateur of Delacroix, Jake Lebleu, Opposing the Soul Stealers, co-authored one autobiographical novel My Love From Another Universe with David Spriggs, Reflections on a Clear Day, poetry, and From Bayouland with Love, co-authored Klowie the Mystical Toad and Klowies’s Godly Adventures with Bob Bienvenu, books available on Amazon. Contact: Lmeaux2@bellsouth.net
Betsy Richard, the author of "Cajun Gumbo for the Soul," which is about her experience hosting an Airbnb in Lafayette, Louisiana, and the prayers she prayed for the travelers who stayed at her home. Praying for strangers of all kinds is an uplifting approach that allows for an abundance of gratitude and compassion to be cultivated in our daily lives. Read more at betsycrichard.com/book